Past Robotics Work
I have been a part of robotics for over ten years as of writing this page in 2025. My journey started out in 2014 on an FLL (First Lego League) team made up of family and close family friends, where I was the programming lead as well as overall “team captain”. While there were certainly some basic programming principles that I became acquainted with in this time, I hold firm that the main benefit I received from my three, nearly four years in FLL was in learning to work with a team to deliver a product in an (often) high stress environment. From there I “graduated” to high school level robotics, and so migrated to my high school’s FRC (First Robotics Competition) team. This is where the true technical component of my robotics experience began to come into play. I was the mechanical lead, and subsequently systems integration lead for my team and so oversaw a lot of the production of physical components for our robot. I was apart of the team for all four years of high school (2017-2021), and the experiences and friends I gained from being apart of this time are superseded only by the hard and soft skills that I was able to glean from this time. The picture above depicts our team, Team 7042: Long Beach Poly Rabbotics at our 2020 Competition in Del Mar California.
More on past robotics work (soon to come)
Current Robotics Work
Upon graduating high school and beginning to attend Cal Poly, I joined the closest equivalent to my high school level robotics in the CPRC VEXU team, the Gear Slingers. I have served as the room and safety officer of the team for two years now, and have served as the manufacturing and software lead in sequential years prior. This team has allowed me to program in a truly meaningful capacity as we are essentially left to our own devices with respect to the sensors, microprocessors, and individual computation that we develop. Further, the team is entirely student run and I serve as a general officer on the larger advisory committee that oversees the function of the overall club and all of its subprojects (VEXU being one of currently six such projects). I am extremely grateful to be able to say that our team has been highly competitive in our region and subsequently at the World Championship for the past two years, and we currently have our sights set on hopefully winning Worlds this very year. Depicted above is most of our team in Spring of 2024 after winning the Gear Slingers Regional Event that we hosted at Cal Poly and (ironically) won.