Years Active: 2022-Present
This project revolved around my creation of a sandbox environment, “HomeLab” or server for the hosting of files and home media as well as running a number of personal services. Its primary usage is to run virtual machines, useful docker instances, and experiment with applications separately from daily driver systems, as well as creating a unified “coding hub”, elaborated upon in the relevant writeup (soon to come).
Relevant Skills: SSH SFTP, VIM, Shell Management, Hypervisor, Docker, VPN, Proxying, Networking, Linux, etc.
Years Active: 2020-2021
During the COVID-19 lockdown our Long Beach Poly Rabbotics (Robotics) team elected to participate in a mini-bot competition with individuals in our team in groups of 3-4. Pictured above is the final iteration of my own teams minibot, but the writeup (soon to come) delves more deeply into the engineering design process, iteration, and final robot alike.
Relevant Skills: Arduino, RasPi, C++, 3D Modeling, 3D Printing
This Website
Years Active: 2023-Present
The core purpose of this site is intended to be a resume or cataloging website that collects as much relevant information about me as possible for presentation to colleagues, professionals and prospective employers alike. Granted, that was the starting point, but I plan to continue developing it to host my own blog, interaction via comment boards, and perhaps even notes in a private capacity as things progress. The writeup (soon to come) further details the tools, process, and goals of the site in greater depth.
Relevant Skills: Web Development, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Obsidian, Markdown, Unraid